Monday, September 22, 2008

My friends

Friend is somebody that be there in your bad moments, that one that cry wiht you, that one that help you in your crazy moments, that one that make you fell really comfortable.

Friend is not that one that look like you, that act like you, that one treats you right, no ''WAIT' friend is that one that give you a hand when you need it, when you have nobody that is a friend.

Love your friends but at the same time open your eyes and don't let them treats you like a dog. Open your eyes and check who ARE YOU REAL FRIENDS..

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I love my life

I love my life because is different, I have a lot of problem, but i think i can fix those problem, i have a beautiful family, and lovely friends... I love my school... I love my beautiful teacher mrs:King and mrs:Jimenez.. I have a lot of people that love me and i also have a lot of enemy. But i think that my real friend is god.. He give me what i need, What i wish, What i what, he listen to me, He is there in my bad and good moment he is my god he is my support. I trust him.. by baby girl .. i love you people..kiss

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Make your deams come true

People, I just want to say that if you Have a dream make it come true because life go on and we need to learn how to get what we want? Trust me.. But don't get over the people that really treat you right. But YES get over those that hate you and let them know that you are BETTER THAT HOW I D.O.. DON'T BE TOOO RUDE DON'T BE TOOO NICE just be soooooooooo bad trust me people just want hate and hate all the times... that what i learn. by baby girl..NO LOVE JUST HATE AND HATE THAT HOW I THINK........